AI Detector

Our AI detector is 99.8% accurate and 100% free to use.

The Phrasly AI checker boasts the highest accuracy rate in the industry. Paste your content below to instantly check for AI-generated text from ChatGPT, Claude, and more.

0/2000 Words

Need to bypass AI detection? Automatically humanize your content with Phrasly!

Use Phrasly's AI rewriter to eliminate robotic phrasing so your content appears human-written. With Phrasly, you can easily bypass Turnitin and make your content undetectable by AI checkers.


Stay under the radar with Phrasly AI detection.

Using generative AI can speed up the writing process, but there's a good chance your work will be run through an AI detector by your instructor, client, or manager. Phrasly will check your work for signs of AI generation, helping you bypass AI detectors so your content remains undetectable.

Research Papers

Before submitting, run your paper through our AI detector to make sure it won't get flagged by plagiarism checkers.


Use AI for homework help? Phrasly can ensure your work passes your instructor's AI detection tool.

Blog copy

With Phrasly, you can make sure you're publishing quality SEO content that feels human and resonates with readers.

Work projects

Use AI to create reports and presentations, then use Phrasly to ensure the final product meets quality standards.

Pass any AI check with Phrasly's proprietary AI content detector.

Our free AI detector can instantly identify potential AI-generated text, allowing you to make the necessary adjustments to ensure your work passes as original content.

Advanced algorithms

Our algorithms are trained on vast datasets of human and AI-generated content, ensuring 99.8% accuracy.

Free to use

Our AI text detector is completely free to use—no charge, no limits, no subscription required.

Unlimited use

No subscription? No restriction! Check up to 2,000 words at a time, as many times as you need.

Instant humanization

Phrasly doesn't just detect AI content—it can instantly adjust sentence structure to bypass other AI checkers.


Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the most common questions about our AI Detector.

Will my content be stored online after checking it for AI?

Absolutely not! Phrasly is committed to protecting your privacy. We do not store any of your content on our servers. All content is deleted immediately after you close the tab. We do not share content with third parties, and we do not use it for any purpose other than to check for AI.

Is there a limit to how many times I can use the AI Detector?

There is no limit to how many times you can use the AI Detector. You can use it as many times as you'd like, however, text highlighting is only available to signed-in users.

How accurate is the AI Detector?

Our AI writing detector is the most accurate in the industry, with an accuracy rate of 99.8%. Although we are constantly improving our algorithms, please note that no method of detection is 100% accurate. False positives are inevitable, but we are working hard to reduce them as much as possible.

How does the humanizer work?

Phrasly is trained on over 300,000 human-written articles. When you use the humanizer, Phrasly will use its knowledge of grammar, syntax, and structure to generate content that is indistinguishable from human-written content. This way, your output from Phrasly will be undetectable by an AI generator checker.

How do I cite Phrasly in academic papers?

To cite Phrasly's AI Detector in academic papers, you can use the following format: Author Name (Year). 'Title of the Software: Phrasly AI Detector.' Publisher, Version.

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Join 1,000,000+ students and writers who use Phrasly's AI content tools to write faster and more efficiently.